Pro Bono

Pro bono publico (English: "for the public good"; usually shortened to pro bono) is a Latin phrase that generally denotes work that has been undertaken by someone without any charge or as a reduced fee for public service. We commonly hear this word in Legal Profession. R&P believes in giving back to the community in which we are working. It is our major aim to help those who are in need and protect them from the exploitation of other parties. We have taken active steps in laying down the foundations of these principles at grassroots level by offering the help to the needy people. By actively participating in various social initiatives, we want to help the public at large. Our firm are always interested in a taking up pro bono cases so that we can share our commitment to offering assistance and legal knowledge to those who are in need. The firm has a dedicated team of lawyers who help ensure that our pro bono work is effective and helpful to the society.

Constitution of India clearly articulates the importance of accessible legal aid to all the sections of the society. Since the inception of R&P, we have dedicated our time and resources on various pro-bono projects to strengthen the civil society and provide legal aid to the economically weaker section of the society, who otherwise lack access to the services we offer. Our staff, at all levels, is encouraged to assist and support any lawyer involved in pro-bono projects. We provide our pro-bono clients with the same standard and quality of client service as our any other clients. Our firm’s commitment to serving those in need is part of our core objective and we are constantly seeking new ways to put our lawyers’ talents to the best use and practice.



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